Our Inspiration


Jane Waggett - 2022

In November 2008, my wife Jane, at the age of 47, was diagnosed with stage IV metastatic non-small cell lung cancer. What a bombshell diagnosis after thinking she’d only pulled a muscle in a Zumba class! Dana-Farber was a no-brainer for us. Sadly, 10 months after her diagnosis and just three weeks before our son Henry’s tenth birthday, Jane passed away.”

“I started walking in the Jimmy Fund Walk with Team Tara in 2015 to honor Jane. My support has evolved over the years. Sure, initially I did do it to honor my loved ones, but it started becoming something more after hearing and listening to the experiences of others. It became a fight! A fight for research. A fight to find better treatments. A fight for a cure, so others don’t have to die from this horrible disease. Just recently, I read an article on Dana-Farber’s blog about advances in immunology treatments. This gives me hope and a feeling of satisfaction that we are fighting back.”

“This will be my eighth year walking and I am looking forward to getting back on the marathon route with Team Tara again. There’s nothing like crossing that finish line at Copley! The hope and positivity in the air is as thick as peanut butter. We are all joined together for the same fight.

– Patrick Waggett


Jim Collins - 2021

Jim Collins was many things to many people. He was a husband... a father... a son... a brother... an uncle... a friend... a colleague... and so much more. He had a zest and a passion for life like no other. Every day and every thing was an adventure, some more carefully planned and executed than others. Which made his devastating Stage IV colon cancer diagnosis in October of 2017 such a shock. Never one to be overdramatic or to look for pity, Jim took his diagnosis in stride and simply asked what he needed to do to get better. Not once did he Google anything about his treatment or prognosis. As he said “the internet is full of other people’s stories... I’m going to write my own story, and I’m going to beat this.” They say that a person’s mental attitude is just as important as their physical health when entering a fight like this. Jim truly believed he was going to be cured and in doing so made everyone else believe. Jim approached his cancer battle with the same enthusiasm and sense of humor that he had approached everything else in his life. For every chemo treatment he picked a theme and a song...a chemo ear worm that was relevant to whatever was happening at the time. He wore costumes and his trademark gold Elvis sunglasses. He didn’t shy away from taking pictures each time even as the chemo and the cancer took their physical toll. Jim’s cancer battle ultimately came to an end on January 16, 2019 at the age of 45. In his 45 years, Jim did enough to fill a thousand lives. He worked hard, he played hard, and he loved unconditionally. He smiled and laughed and took advantage of everything life had to offer. Everyone around him is better for having known him, and owe it to Jim and to themselves to live their lives with even an ounce of the passion that he did. Team Tara dedicates the 2021 fundraising and walk season to Jim and his family. All funds are designated to Dr. Kimmie Ng and her groundbreaking metastatic colorectal cancer research. It is our hope that someday soon there will be cure for this devastating disease.


Patrick Beauregard - 2020

In 2019, Team Tara chose a true American hero as one of its Hope Award recipients. Pat Beauregard, just 31 at the time, was battling Stage 4 colon cancer with the love and support of his amazing wife and college sweetheart, Amanda. 

As Pat’s obituary so eloquently explained: Throughout his cancer battle that included over 40 rounds of chemotherapy, immunotherapy, and many surgeries and procedures, Patrick chose to remain positive, living by the mantra "Panda Power… Pray, Hope, Don't Worry." It is this positive attitude and will to live that allowed him to accomplish his final goal – meeting his son, Noah Patrick, on July 10, 2020. ... It's nearly impossible to express just how great of a man Patrick Beauregard was. Caring, conscientious, unselfish, reliable, loyal, hilarious yet humble, quick-witted yet thoughtful, truly a man of family, God and country.


Kristin Rocha - 2019

For 2019, the funds raised by Team Tara honored the legacy of Kristin Rocha. Kristin was a kindergarten teacher, a mother of two young children, a dedicated wife, and a beautiful soul. She faced breast cancer with grace and dignity until she passed away on January 3, 2018 at the age of 47.

Kristin was passionate about metastatic cancer research and in her honor, for 2019, we focused our efforts on a clinical trial for metastatic colon cancer patients. Dr. Kimmie Ng of The Dana-Farber Cancer Institute lead this research and we believe her efforts will benefit all cancer patients in the long term.


Steve Staffiere - 2017 & 2018

Steve Staffiere was, first and foremost, a family man. Steve loved nothing more than to spend time with his wife, Linda, and their two children, Michael and Marissa. Whether he was watching his kids play sports, taking them on family trips, or just hanging in the living room, Steve was happiest when he was surrounded by his family.

Despite a devastating diagnosis of pancreatic cancer in the summer of 2015, Steve continued to live with strength, courage, humor, and grace. He passed away on May 31, 2016 at the age of 53. In 2017 and 2018, Team Tara dedicated the Jimmy Fund Walk to Steve and his family, designating all Team Tara funds to Steve’s oncologist, Dr. Kimmie Ng.


Justin Perry - 2016

In July 2015, Justin Perry spoke to a room full of Jimmy Fund Walk participants before a Red Sox game at Fenway Park. Amy and Tara were lucky enough to be in the audience that day and as soon as he was done speaking, Amy and Tara ran right up to him; they just had to meet this incredible person. From that point on, Justin awed and inspired Team Tara with his selfless personality and courageous spirit. 

Diagnosed with lung cancer in 2013 at the tender age of 23, Justin still found a way to live life to the fullest. He married the love of his life, Michelle, and continued his passions for hunting, fishing (including ice fishing), and bargain-shopping. His dog, Camo, was always by his side. Team Tara continues to walk with Justin in our heart.